Pictogramme durée - WELCOME TO NORMANDY PAYS D'AUGE 3 days / 2 nights
Pictogramme hébergement - WELCOME TO NORMANDY PAYS D'AUGE Accommodation : Youth hostel
Pictogramme thématique - WELCOME TO NORMANDY PAYS D'AUGE Thematic : History and tradition

Au programme ; visite de Lisieux ville de pélerinage, de Livarot le pays du fromage, du Château de Canon et de Crévecoeur. Puis visite d'un haras et d'une ferme cidricole.

Day 1 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe


Arrival to the airport, or train station.

Departure by private coach in Normandy

Arrival to LISIEUX ; the city sanctuary of Sainte-Therese.


Guided tour to see the Childhood home of Sainte Therese called « les Buissonnets », the Memorial located in the Carmel where her relic is located and the Basilica of Sainte Therese built at the beginning XX° in romano Byzantine style. You will discover the relics of her parents there

Packed lunch for the pic nic


In the afternoon, guided tour of a cider-producing estate by the owners. Presentation of the press, a cellar, the distillery.  “Le Calvados”, “le Pommeau”, the cider, the vinegar, the apple juice, the liqueur will hold no more secrets for you.


At the end of the tour, depending on your interest, stop at the German and British military cemetery, soldiers fallen during the landing of the Second World War, Saint Desire for Lisieux

Departure to your youth hostel or centre

Welcome by the manager of the travel agency

Installation in the rooms.


Hot dinner and night

Day 2 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe


After breakfast, departure to Mezidon

Guided tour of the”Haras d'Ecajeul “ by the owner, former racing jockey; discovery of the property, thoroughbreds and breeding


Continuation and visit of the” Château et Jardins de Canon”, dating from the XVIII°. 

Picnic lunch in the Park


Several options to visit :

Guided tour of the castle and gardens with different themes : discovery of the XVIII° art of living, sensory garden


Educational workshops: English and French gardens, writing and correspondence storytelling tours for primary schools Animated visit to discover crafts, guided tour in the Age of Enlightenment


To finish the day; visit to the Donkey's Paradise; demonstration of a donkey milking, discovery of natural cosmetics made with donkey milk or supervised canoe kayak excursion on the Dives


Return to the accomodation

Dinner and night

Day 3 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe


After breakfast, departure for a visit to a dairy farm 


Continuation to Livarot, the country of cheese. Visit to the “Fromagerie Graindorge”; You will discover the manufacture of Livarot, Pont l'Evêque, Camembert, Neufchâtel among others, with Protected Designation of Origin, through a corridor of glazed galleries. Followed by a cheese tasting


Departure for “Crevecoeur en auge”

Arrival at the medieval castle of Crevecoeur en Auge. 

Surrounded by a moat, the castle has retained its original plan in 2 parts: in the farmyard, are grouped the agricultural buildings: farm, dovecote, barn and chapel and in the upper courtyard the manor house protected by a wall. Exhibitions and reconstituted rooms are to be visited. 


Picnic on site; in the park on the lawn or in the tent depending on the weather


Self-guided, guided, dramatized or storytelling visit will be offered to you according to your interest


Departure to the airport.

End of the tour